Chemkut® 500CF

Chemkut 500CF is part of a new generation of Chlorine Free cutting oils.

Chemkut 500CF is designed as a multipurpose oil. It is suitable for use a both a cutting oil and a lubricating oil in single and multi-spindle machines. It may also be used a as a light duty hydraulic oil in anti-wear applications.

Chemkut 500CF provides excellent lubrication for cutting tools and will provide high metal removal rates with good finishes. It will also provide good short to medium term rust protection to ferrous metals.

Chemkut 500CF can be used for machining both ferrous and non-ferrous metals as well as aluminum alloys.

Typical Analysis

Appearance: Light Coloured Oily Liquid
Odour: Mild, Oil
Viscosity 40 °C: 22 cSt
Viscosity Index: 90
Specific Gravity: 0.88
Pour Point °C: -20
Rust Protection ASTM D665: Pass
Flash Point COC °C: 195
Copper Strip Corrosion ASTM D130: 1a

